Longwood Bed and Breakfast

The influence of Europe in the Christmas traditions of Canada can be seen in the celebrations and the various customs and traditions of the holiday. The midnight mass is the central celebration of French Canadians on Christmas eve, where they display a nativity scene beneath a Christmas tree. After the mass, the family has a huge banquet as part of the Christmas traditions of Canada. Gift-giving occurs on New Year’s Day.

For the English Canadians, the Christmas traditions of Canada feasts usually include a roast goose or beef and plum pudding. The homes are decorated with pine bough and kissing balls. They also sing the ancient carols during the period.

The German Canadians have the Tannenbaum in the place of honor in their homes. The children await the Christkindl, a messenger from the Christ child while the mothers make stolen and Christmas cookies. Christmas trees, ancient carols, gingerbread houses, and advent calendars are part of their tradition.

The various Canadians of Indian heritage have a different set of the Christmas traditions of Canada for each Indian nation, including gift-giving, feasts, singing, dancing, drumming and games, which were part of their ancient winter celebrations. The Cree children visit the homes of their relatives to collect their gifts. The Inuit hold feasts of caribou, seal, raw fish, and turkey.